Infertility affects millions of people of reproductive age worldwide. Estimates suggest that between 48 million couples and 186 million individuals faced it during their lifetime. In the United States, among married women aged 15 to 49 years with no prior births, about 1 in 5 (19%) are unable to get pregnant after one year of trying.

Fertility issues deeply affect a couple’s emotional, physical and economic well-being. It affects their marriage, their social life and other relations.

A number of different factors, in either the male or female reproductive systems, may be the cause. However, it is sometimes not possible to explain the causes of infertility.

Homeopathy can be an amazing support in overcoming many difficulties during this battle.         

Women can use homeopathic remedies for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and hormonal balancing, which further can result in the restoration of ovulation. Homeopathy can also be used in the case of some uterine disorders, such as fibroids, polyps and endometriosis. During the IVF treatment, can ease feelings of anxiety, fear and sadness.

I am particularly interested in the psychosomatic aspect of infertility.

Tulane University study announced studies suggesting that negative experiences during a woman’s childhood can result in menstrual cycle irregularities, which may impact her fertility. “Women who reported experiencing abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, or parental substance abuse prior to age 12 were more likely to have experienced fertility difficulties and [missed menstrual periods] lasting three months or more, and had an increased time to pregnancy,” concluded senior author Dr. Emily Harville, an associate professor at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and her co-researchers.

Another study explored the relationship between diminished ovarian reserve and chronic psychological stress.

Homeopathy works in a way to address this, and many other, deep-seated beliefs, thoughts and experiences that influence fertility, and supports women in overcoming them.

I am happy to offer all my knowledge and extensive experience working with women who were faced with problems in getting pregnant and who won!